

  • Dana Cruz
  • 04/19/24

Lucky. That pretty much sums up how I felt after a spectacular girls weekend with some college friends. We were celebrating the "baby" of our group who was turning 50. We don't see each other as often as we'd like, but as soon as we get together it's like we're 20 years old again. Laughing and telling stories and wearing matching shirts lol. Good friendships are like that. You can pick up right where you left off. I was lucky to find these women when I was a student at Virginia Tech. I had no idea then that their friendship would still be such a bright spot in my life all these years later. 

My first born is getting ready for that leap to college this fall and I'm not going to lie. My heart is filled with all of those mom feelings. She's still my little girl but I know she's ready for this exciting new chapter (of course I'm not sure I'm ready!). 

One of my friends posted a pic of our girls weekend and said, "I can only hope my kids find these forever friends in college." I couldn't agree more. I feel so fortunate and grateful for the friendships in my life and I think my kids would be lucky to find the same. 

Wishing you a great week and a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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